Tuesday, January 1, 2008


I have made it to New Zealand!!! Not via Chicago, or Fiji, like I planned. I always seem to have a problem when traveling by plane...I never can seem to fly the flights I'm assigned. Oh well, I made it, and so did all my bags/ gear/ boats and paddles! Stoked. New Years Day my buddy Gareth picked me up at the Auckland Airport and we drove to Mount Manganui. It was un-real. A super sik worn-out volcano right on the Bay of Plenty. Today, the 2nd, we paddled the Kaituna River. Un-real. I wish I could describe this place better, but for the moment, I'm speechless. I will get up photos and better stories/ descriptions as soon as I have time!!! Happy New Year, all!


Ken Lambla said...

Great to hear your voice yesterday...."stoked" is an understatement for the tone and it is great that you have successfully arrived - especially with all your stuff!
Keep the blogs coming....they are really good!

easteighth said...

apparently it's "un-real"...

don't forget to tell us about the food.

Capt'n KFC said...

Hells yeah Coop. Glad you made it. Now start harassing the sheep and take some pictures. Headed to CO on Monday to see Crashley. Have fun, be safe. Sanders

JAH WILL said...

SWEET! Glad to hear your livin' large in NZ Bro!

Did you say you're with Gareth? Is this the same Gareth I know? If so, tell him I said hello and to avoid the sub-optimal! He should get it.

Holla sometime Coop, I'll call you if you forward me the digits so it will be on my dime.
